...chantant ange...

Vzkazy od Lary

Carnet de route 2005-2009.pdf (923 kB)


Nejnovější vzkaz fanouškům od Lary :


Mes anges..
le 11 novembre dernier j'ai chanté en duo avec Bocelli au Mariage de
David foster et Yolanda, à Los Angeles..
J'étais en belle compagnie... comme vous pouvez le voir...
j'avais juste envie de vous le partager....
... Aussi je sais que beaucoup d'entre vous se demandent ce qui se passe
avec Mademoiselle Jhivago....
Sachez que je fais un petit travail d'assemblage en ce moment pour vous
présenter un joli projet issu de ce long travail...
Ce ne sera pas que de la musique...mais beaucoup plus...encore un peu
de patience......
Je vous embrasse...




My angels,


first of all,a big thank you for all your unnumbered messages in case of my birthday.

It really touched me.


I passed the holidays with my family,quietly with lots of laughing.

I hope your holidays were sweet and shinny.


Until the last moment,just before Christmas,I was travelling at the beautiful countries of Russia and Ukraine,where the people seem more and more sensitive about Mademoiselle Zhivago,that I will present you soon.


As you may know,it's a musical film that tells the trip of a soul through 12 lives.

The film will be ready in the spring...

It's a rendez-vous.


The future concerts will lead me a bit all around the world,we are putting the final touches at the dates.You'll see...


I lived a lot of changes these past few days.Moving in,it changes a life...even if that still remains relatively common.


We filled in and out the boxes,we found the remains of the past,random thoughts written in the books that had opened many times,in the most listened CD's all these years...and sweaters that found a second life...


The feeling of being trully at its place...when the roof that shelters us,we look like it finally...this is what I saw at this moment.


From cd's,which hadn't been listened for a long time,I remembered a compilation offered by my friend Nath,a mixture of soundtracks,classical music,great voices and poems in songs:Habla con ella,the concert of Aran Juez,the voice of Maria Callas singing Casta Diva...


I had the pleasure to open the Asian Winter Games at Astana,for 42 countries of Asia and to go at a celebration of the Chinese New Year at Beijing,where a big television show honored me with an invitation.


Then,I'll go to New York for more and more music...


Also,to tell you that Farfa will pass at the virtual era...you will know more at the next month...


Here you are my angels...some news to keep tracing this line between you and me.





Ps.to all the daughters of the shadow,

all my love...

à bon entendeur...